Eylíf health products were selected by the Icelandic Ocean Cluster as the “Most exciting projects of 2022”, along with eleven other start-up companies.
Þór Sigfússon, stofnandi og forstjóri Sjávarklasans birti á sinni Facebook síðu 29.desember 2021 eftirfarandi: “Ég óska þessum tólf bláu frumkvöðlafyrirtækjumtil hamingju með að vera valin af Sjávarklasanum sem mest spennandi verkefnin á árinu 2022”
Eylíf.is the start-up company Eylíf has attracted attention for its diverse product line of Icelandic natural materials. The reception by domestic consumers has exceeded expectations by far and that is unquestionably the best indication of the opportunities the company has for expansion.
Taramar.is Taramar products are based on years of research and development of skin products made from Icelandic natural materials. The company has a patented product that is gaining popularity outside of Iceland.
Hefringmarine.com The startup Hefring develops equipment that advises captains how fast to sail given the conditions. The reception abroad has been very good. The reception abroad has been very good.
Responsiblefoods.is The company Responsible Foods introduced healthy snacks made from Icelandic ingredients. There are high expectations that the company’s product line will attract interest in the fast-growing market in this field.
Ankeri.net has developed software that combines the interest of shipowners and characters with improved information, better energy efficiency, and lower emissions from the fleet. In this way, Ankeri contributes to green development and energy exchange.
Optitog.com the company Optitog has developed environmentally friendly and revolutionary equipment for fishing that does not damage the seabed and reduces fuel consumption during fishing Breakthrough technology can greatly improve the way fishing companies take care of the ocean.
Genis.is the biotechnology company Genis in Siglufjörður has a long experience in the development of chitin oligosaccharides from shrimp shells. This kind of development takes a long time and a lot of patience. Will 2022 be Genis’s year?
Thorice.is Thorice has grown steadily over the past few years, developing environmentally friendly solutions to extend the life of food and reduce waste. This technology and knowledge, which the company has acquired, becomes more and more like music in the ears of investors
Marea.is The startup Marea is developing films from kelp plastic. At the same time, this project is considering further development in this field. Everything we have seen from Marea arouses interest and expectations that huge opportunities can be hidden.
Idunnh2.com the start-up IðunnH2 aims for the large-scale production of hydrogen, which opens up the possibility of speeding up the energy exchange.
Unbrokentr.comHydrolyzed salmon proteins are the core of the unique product line Unbroken. There is a lot of research behind it, but the most attention has been attracted by the enormous popularity of this superfood among well-known athletes around the world. Something big is happening here!
Algalif.is Algalíf has taken the lead in the production of the super substance astaxanthin, which is developed from algae produced with pure Icelandic water and energy. Here is a company on the move that may become the Marel of algae.